Matching Procedure

Comparing hours with entering cruise traffic to hours without. Adjusting for calendar and weather indicators.

Marie-Abèle Bind (Biostatistics Center, Massachusetts General Hospital) , Marion Leroutier (Misum, Stockholm School of Economics) , Léo Zabrocki (RFF-CMCC EIEE)

In this document, we provide all steps required to reproduce our matching procedure. We compare hours where:

We adjust for calendar calendar indicator and weather confounding factors.

Should you have any questions, need help to reproduce the analysis or find coding errors, please do not hesitate to contact us at and .

Required Packages

We load the following packages:

# load required packages
library(knitr) # for creating the R Markdown document
library(here) # for files paths organization
library(tidyverse) # for data manipulation and visualization
library(Rcpp) # for running the matching algorithm
library(optmatch) # for matching pairs
library(igraph) # for pair matching via bipartite maximal weighted matching
library(Cairo) # for printing custom police of graphs
library(kableExtra) # for table formatting

We also have to load the script_time_series_matching_function.R which provides the functions used for matching time series:

# load matching functions

We finally load our custom ggplot2 theme for graphs:

# load ggplot custom theme
# define nice colors
my_blue <- "#0081a7"
my_orange <- "#fb8500"

Finally, the matching procedure at the hourly level is computationally demanding and we could not run it on our local computer. Instead, we set up an RStudio version on Amazon Web Service EC2 and use a t3.2xlarge computer.

Preparing the Data for Matching

Selecting and Creating Relevant Variables

First, we load the data:

# load data
data  <-
  ) %>% as_tibble()

Then, we select relevant variables for matching and create the processed_data:

# select relevant variables
relevant_variables <- c(
  # date variable
  # air pollutants variables
  # total gross tonnage
  # weather factors
  # road traffic variables
  # calendar data

# create processed_data with the relevant variables
if (exists("relevant_variables") && !is.null(relevant_variables)) {
  # extract relevant variables (if specified)
  processed_data = data[relevant_variables]
} else {
  processed_data = data

For each covariate, we create the 0-3 hourly lags and leads:

# we first define processed_data_leads and processed_data_lags
# to store leads and lags

processed_data_leads <- processed_data
processed_data_lags <- processed_data

# create leads

# create a list to store dataframe of leads
leads_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
names(leads_list) <- c(1:3) 

# create the leads
for(i in 1:3){
  leads_list[[i]] <- processed_data_leads %>%
    mutate_at(vars(-date), ~  lead(., n = i, order_by = date)) %>%
    rename_at(vars(-date),function(x) paste0(x,"_lead_", i))

# merge the dataframes of leads
data_leads <- leads_list %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = "date")

# merge the leads with the processed_data_leads
processed_data_leads <- left_join(processed_data_leads, data_leads, by = "date") %>%

# create lags

# create a list to store dataframe of lags
lags_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
names(lags_list) <- c(1:3) 

# create the lags
for(i in 1:3){
  lags_list[[i]] <- processed_data_lags %>%
    mutate_at(vars(-date), ~  lag(., n = i, order_by = date)) %>%
    rename_at(vars(-date),function(x) paste0(x,"_lag_", i))

# merge the dataframes of lags
data_lags <- lags_list %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = "date")

# merge the lags with the initial processed_data_lags
processed_data_lags <- left_join(processed_data_lags, data_lags, by = "date")

# merge processed_data_leads with processed_data_lags

processed_data <- left_join(processed_data_lags, processed_data_leads, by = "date")

We can now define the hypothetical experiment that we would like to investigate.

Defining the Hypothetical Experiment

We defined our potential experiments such that:

Below are the required steps to select the corresponding treated and control units whose observations are stored in the matching_data :

# construct treatment assigment variable
processed_data <- processed_data %>%
  mutate(is_treated = NA) %>%
  # the hour is defined as treated if there was positive entering cruise traffic in t
  mutate(is_treated = ifelse(total_gross_tonnage_entry_cruise > 0, TRUE, is_treated)) %>%
  # the hour is defined as treated if there was no entering cruise traffic in t
  mutate(is_treated = ifelse(total_gross_tonnage_entry_cruise == 0, FALSE, is_treated))

# remove the hours for which assignment is undefined
matching_data = processed_data[!$is_treated),]

# susbet treated and control units
treated_units = subset(matching_data, is_treated)
control_units = subset(matching_data,!is_treated)
N_treated = nrow(treated_units) # gives the total number of treated units for all years
N_control = nrow(control_units) # gives the total number of control units for all years

# save matching_data

There are 4034 treated units and 92396 control units. We display the distribution of treated and control units over the year 2018:

Please show me the code!
# make stripes graph
graph_stripes_hourly_experiment <- matching_data %>%
  mutate(is_treated = ifelse(is_treated == "TRUE", "Treated", "Control")) %>%
  ggplot(., aes(
    x = lubridate::as_date(date),
    y = 1,
    fill = is_treated
  )) +
  geom_tile() +
  scale_x_date(breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 10)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", my_orange)) +
  xlab("Date") +
  theme_tufte() +
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "none",
    axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
    axis.title.y = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y = element_blank()

# display the graph

# save the graph
  filename = here::here(
  width = 40,
  height = 10,
  units = "cm",
  device = cairo_pdf

Matching Procedure

Define Thresholds for Matching Covariates

Below is the code to define the relevant thresholds:

# we create the scaling list as it is needed for running the algorithm
# but we do not use it

scaling =  rep(list(1),ncol(matching_data))
names(scaling) = colnames(matching_data)

# instead, we manually defined the threshold for each covariate
thresholds = rep(list(Inf),ncol(matching_data))
names(thresholds) = colnames(matching_data)

# threshold for hour
thresholds$hour = 0
thresholds$hour_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$hour_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for weekday
thresholds$weekday = 0
thresholds$weekday_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$weekday_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for holidays
thresholds$holidays_dummy = 0
thresholds$holidays_dummy_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$holidays_dummy_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for bank days
thresholds$bank_day_dummy = 0
thresholds$bank_day_dummy_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$bank_day_dummy_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for distance in days (day_index variable)
thresholds$day_index = 30

# thresholds for rainfall dummy
thresholds$rainfall_height_dummy = 0
thresholdsrainfall_height_dummy_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$rainfall_height_dummy_lag_2 = 0

# thresholds for average humidity
thresholds$humidity_average = 9
thresholds$humidity_average_lag_1 = 9
thresholds$humidity_average_lag_2 = 9

# thresholds for temperature average
thresholds$temperature_average = 4
thresholds$temperature_average_lag_1 = 4
thresholds$temperature_average_lag_2 = 4

# thresholds for wind direction categories
thresholds$wind_direction_east_west = 0
thresholds$wind_direction_east_west_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$wind_direction_east_west_lag_2 = 0

# thresholds for wind speed
thresholds$wind_speed = 1.8
thresholds$wind_speed_lag_1 = 1.8
thresholds$wind_speed_lag_2 =  1.8

Running the Procedure

Once the thresholds values have been set, we can run the time series matching algorithm. Unfortunately, with 96430 observations, the matching procedure requires large computer power. We rented an Amazon Web Services virtual computer (EC2 t3.2xlarge) and even with this computation power, we had to run the matching on each year separetely. We proceeded as follows using a loop for each year:

Below is the full code that we ran on the AWS EC2 t3.2xlarge computer:




# load required packages
library(tidyverse) # for data manipulation and visualization
library(Rcpp) # for running the matching algorithm
library(optmatch) # for matching pairs
library(igraph) # for pair matching via bipartite maximal weighted matching

# load matching functions

# load data
data_all_years <-




# select relevant variables
relevant_variables <- c(
  # date variable
  # air pollutants variables
  # total gross tonnage
  # weather factors
  # road traffic flow
  # calendar data

# create processed_data with the relevant variables
if (exists("relevant_variables") && !is.null(relevant_variables)) {
  # extract relevant variables (if specified)
  processed_data = data_all_years[relevant_variables]
} else {
  processed_data = data_all_years




# we first define processed_data_leads and processed_data_lags
# to store leads and lags

processed_data_leads <- processed_data
processed_data_lags <- processed_data

# create leads

# create a list to store dataframe of leads
leads_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
names(leads_list) <- c(1:3)

# create the leads
for (i in 1:3) {
  leads_list[[i]] <- processed_data_leads %>%
    mutate_at(vars(-date), ~  lead(., n = i, order_by = date)) %>%
    rename_at(vars(-date), function(x)
      paste0(x, "_lead_", i))

# merge the dataframes of leads
data_leads <- leads_list %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = "date")

# merge the leads with the processed_data_leads
processed_data_leads <-
  left_join(processed_data_leads, data_leads, by = "date") %>%

# create lags

# create a list to store dataframe of lags
lags_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
names(lags_list) <- c(1:3)

# create the lags
for (i in 1:3) {
  lags_list[[i]] <- processed_data_lags %>%
    mutate_at(vars(-date), ~  lag(., n = i, order_by = date)) %>%
    rename_at(vars(-date), function(x)
      paste0(x, "_lag_", i))

# merge the dataframes of lags
data_lags <- lags_list %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = "date")

# merge the lags with the initial processed_data_lags
processed_data_lags <-
  left_join(processed_data_lags, data_lags, by = "date")

# merge processed_data_leads with processed_data_lags

processed_data <-
  left_join(processed_data_lags, processed_data_leads, by = "date")




# construct treatment assigment variable
processed_data <- processed_data %>%
  mutate(is_treated = NA) %>%
  # the hour is defined as treated if there was positive cruise traffic in t
  mutate(is_treated = ifelse(total_gross_tonnage_entry_cruise > 0, TRUE, is_treated)) %>%
  # the hour is defined as treated if there was no cruise traffic in t
  mutate(is_treated = ifelse(total_gross_tonnage_entry_cruise == 0, FALSE, is_treated))

# remove the hours for which assignment is undefined
matching_data_all_years = processed_data[!$is_treated), ]

# susbet treated and control units
treated_units = subset(matching_data_all_years, is_treated)
control_units = subset(matching_data_all_years, !is_treated)
N_treated = nrow(treated_units) # gives the total number of treated units for all years
N_control = nrow(control_units) # gives the total number of control units for all years

# save matching_data_all_years as matching_data




# we create the scaling list as it is needed for running the algorithm
# but we do not use it

scaling =  rep(list(1), ncol(matching_data_all_years))
names(scaling) = colnames(matching_data_all_years)

# instead, we manually defined the threshold for each covariate
thresholds = rep(list(Inf), ncol(matching_data_all_years))
names(thresholds) = colnames(matching_data_all_years)

# threshold for hour
thresholds$hour = 0
thresholds$hour_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$hour_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for weekday
thresholds$weekday = 0
thresholds$weekday_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$weekday_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for holidays
thresholds$holidays_dummy = 0
thresholds$holidays_dummy_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$holidays_dummy_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for bank days
thresholds$bank_day_dummy = 0
thresholds$bank_day_dummy_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$bank_day_dummy_lag_2 = 0

# threshold for distance in days (day_index variable)
thresholds$day_index = 30

# thresholds for rainfall dummy
thresholds$rainfall_height_dummy = 0
thresholdsrainfall_height_dummy_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$rainfall_height_dummy_lag_2 = 0

# thresholds for average humidity
thresholds$humidity_average = 9
thresholds$humidity_average_lag_1 = 9
thresholds$humidity_average_lag_2 = 9

# thresholds for temperature average
thresholds$temperature_average = 4
thresholds$temperature_average_lag_1 = 4
thresholds$temperature_average_lag_2 = 4

# thresholds for wind direction categories
thresholds$wind_direction_east_west = 0
thresholds$wind_direction_east_west_lag_1 = 0
thresholds$wind_direction_east_west_lag_2 = 0

# thresholds for wind speed
thresholds$wind_speed = 1.8
thresholds$wind_speed_lag_1 = 1.8
thresholds$wind_speed_lag_2 =  1.8




# we run the matching procedure for each year on the amazon EC2 t3.2xlarge
# we cannot run the matching on the full dataset at once
# as the computation is too intensive

# running the loop

for (i in 2008:2018) {
  # select relevant year
  matching_data <- matching_data_all_years %>%
    filter(year == i)
  # susbet treated and control units
  treated_units = subset(matching_data, is_treated)
  control_units = subset(matching_data, !is_treated)
  N_treated = nrow(treated_units)
  N_control = nrow(control_units)
  # first we compute the discrepancy matrix
  discrepancies = discrepancyMatrix(treated_units, control_units, thresholds, scaling)
  rownames(discrepancies) = format(matching_data$date[which(matching_data$is_treated)])
  colnames(discrepancies) = format(matching_data$date[which(!matching_data$is_treated)])
  rownames(matching_data) = matching_data$date
  # run the fullmatch algorithm
  matched_groups = fullmatch(
    data = matching_data,
    remove.unmatchables = TRUE,
    max.controls = 1
  # get list of matched  treated-control groups
  groups_labels = unique(matched_groups[!])
  groups_list = list()
  for (j in 1:length(groups_labels)) {
    IDs = names(matched_groups)[(matched_groups == groups_labels[j])]
    groups_list[[j]] = as.Date(IDs[!])
  # we build a bipartite graph with one layer of treated nodes, and another layer of control nodes.
  # the nodes are labeled by integers from 1 to (N_treated + N_control)
  # by convention, the first N_treated nodes correspond to the treated units, and the remaining N_control
  # nodes correspond to the control units.
  # build pseudo-adjacency matrix: edge if and only if match is admissible
  # NB: this matrix is rectangular so it is not per say the adjacendy matrix of the graph
  # (for this bipartite graph, the adjacency matrix had four blocks: the upper-left block of size
  # N_treated by N_treated filled with 0's, bottom-right block of size N_control by N_control filled with 0's,
  # top-right block of size N_treated by N_control corresponding to adj defined below, and bottom-left block
  # of size N_control by N_treated corresponding to the transpose of adj)
  adj = (discrepancies < Inf)
  # extract endpoints of edges
  edges_mat = which(adj, arr.ind = TRUE)
  # build weights, listed in the same order as the edges (we use a decreasing function x --> 1/(1+x) to
  # have weights inversely proportional to the discrepancies, since maximum.bipartite.matching
  # maximizes the total weight and we want to minimize the discrepancy)
  weights = 1 / (1 + sapply(1:nrow(edges_mat), function(j)
    discrepancies[edges_mat[j, 1], edges_mat[j, 2]]))
  # format list of edges (encoded as a vector resulting from concatenating the end points of each edge)
  # i.e c(edge1_endpoint1, edge1_endpoint2, edge2_endpoint1, edge2_endpoint1, edge3_endpoint1, etc...)
  edges_mat[, "col"] = edges_mat[, "col"] + N_treated
  edges_vector = c(t(edges_mat))
  # NB: by convention, the first N_treated nodes correspond to the treated units, and the remaining N_control
  # nodes correspond to the control units (hence the "+ N_treated" to shift the labels of the control nodes)
  # build the graph from the list of edges
  BG = make_bipartite_graph(c(rep(TRUE, N_treated), rep(FALSE, N_control)), edges = edges_vector)
  # find the maximal weighted matching
  MBM = maximum.bipartite.matching(BG, weights = weights)
  # list the dates of the matched pairs
  pairs_list = list()
  N_matched = 0
  for (j in 1:N_treated) {
    if (!$matching[j])) {
      N_matched = N_matched + 1
      pairs_list[[N_matched]] = c(treated_units$date[j], control_units$date[MBM$matching[j] -
  # transform the list of matched pairs to a dataframe
  matched_pairs <- enframe(pairs_list) %>%
    unnest(cols = "value") %>%
    rename(pair_number = name,
           date = value)
  # select the matched data for the analysis
  final_data <- left_join(matched_pairs, matching_data, by = "date")
  # save the data
  saveRDS(final_data, paste0(




# list the names of the matched data for each year
matched_data_all_years <-
  list.files(path = "~/Dropbox/vessel_traffic_air_pollution_project/1.hourly_analysis/",
             pattern = "temporary",
             full.names = T) %>%
  map_df( ~ readRDS(.))

# recreate the pair ids
matched_data_all_years <- matched_data_all_years %>%
  mutate(pair_number = rep(1:(nrow(
  ) / 2), each = 2))

# save the data

Matching Results

We open the matched data:

matched_data <-

The matching procedure resulted in 138 matched pairs. The distribution of difference in days within a pair is summarized below:

Please show me the code!
matched_data %>%
  group_by(pair_number) %>%
  summarise(difference_days = abs(date[1]-date[2])) %>%
    "Mean" = round(mean(difference_days, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
    "Standard Deviation" = round(sd(difference_days, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
    "Minimum" = round(min(difference_days, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
    "Maximum" = round(max(difference_days, na.rm = TRUE), 1)
  ) %>%
  # print the table
  kable(., align = c("l", rep("c", 4))) %>%
  kable_styling(position = "center")
Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum
13.3 days 7 7 days 28 days

This table shows that there should be no spillover effects within pairs.

In the match dataset, there could however be spillover between pairs. For example, the first lead of a treated pollutant concentration could be used as a control in another pair. We first compute below the minimum of the distance of each treated unit with all other control units and then retrieve the proportion of treated units for which the minimum distance with a control unit in another pair is inferior or equal to to 5 hours.

Please show me the code!
# retrieve dates of treated units
treated_pairs <- matched_data %>%
  select(pair_number, is_treated, date) %>%
  filter(is_treated == TRUE)

# retrieve dates of controls
control_pairs <- matched_data %>%
  select(pair_number, is_treated, date) %>%
  filter(is_treated == FALSE)

# compute proportion for which the distance is 1
distance_5_hours <- treated_pairs %>% 
  group_by(pair_number, date) %>%
  expand(other_date = control_pairs$date) %>%
  filter(date!=other_date) %>%
  mutate(difference = abs(date-other_date)) %>%
  group_by(pair_number) %>%
  summarise(min_difference = min(difference)/(60*60)) %>%
  arrange(min_difference) %>%

15.9% of pairs could suffer from a between spillover effect.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.