Estimating the Local Air Pollution Impacts of Cruise Traffic

Hello and welcome!

This website gathers all the codes used in our paper entitled Estimating the Local Air Pollution Impacts of Maritime Traffic: A Principled Approach for Observational Data by Léo Zabrocki, Marion Leroutier and Marie-Abèle Bind.

Our data are stored on the Open Science Framework at the following address:

Even if we strive to make our study reproducible, its full replication presents two caveats:

  • First, we were not allowed to share the weather data from Météo-France. We therefore added a small amount of noise to the original data.
  • Second, the matching procedure at the hourly level is computationally demanding. We had to rent an Amazon Web Services virtual computer (EC2 t3.2xlarge) to run the matching algorithm.

Estimating the Local Air Pollution Impacts of Cruise Traffic

Hello and welcome!

This website gathers all the codes used in our paper entitled Estimating the Local Air Pollution Impacts of Maritime Traffic: A Principled Approach for Observational Data by Léo Zabrocki, Marion Leroutier and Marie-Abèle Bind.

Our data are stored on the Open Science Framework at the following address:

Even if we strive to make our study reproducible, its full replication presents two caveats:

  • First, we were not allowed to share the weather data from Météo-France. We therefore added a small amount of noise to the original data.
  • Second, the matching procedure at the hourly level is computationally demanding. We had to rent an Amazon Web Services virtual computer (EC2 t3.2xlarge) to run the matching algorithm.